Saturday, 9 February 2013

Drama - Drama - Drama in the Youth Theatre

It's not easy creating a play from scratch with nothing but a "location" and a "shocking secret" that had to be incorporated into their plays, but the Youth theatre were up to the task. With only 15 minutes to discuss and create characters and a basic plot, and then rehearse their play, the students really impressed. Not only were they very imaginative in their stories but they were confident in their performances as well.

The speech and drama classes for teenagers are offered every Wednesday in Somerset West from 16:30 - 17:30 and offer a wide range of vocal exercises, acting games as well as teachings in various acting techniques. These classes are for any teenager (grade 7-12) who loves drama or is intrigued by the crazy fun that goes on in our classes.

For more information please visit our website or e-mail

The teens get creative in their improvisations.

Friday, 8 February 2013

The Upper Primary get creative!

In this week's Speech and Drama classes, the children in the Upper Primary class got very creative with one of their expression exercises about James Bond. The expression exercise is one of the many fun speech exercises that the children are taught which help them to improve their vocal dynamics and clarity. These exercises are always such fun.

Our classes are offered in Somerset West on Wednesdays for ages 4-18 with Gordon's Bay classes opening soon. For more information please e-mail or visit our website

Above: Three of our students striking their James Bond pose.

Visit our Facebook page for more photos of our fabulous classes and workshops.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Action-packed acting classes start up in Somerset West

Voice In Action Film and Drama Academy's acting classes have started up this year in Somerset West with a fantastic group of talented children. The classes are aimed at developing creativity, building confidence and improving communication skills and performance techniques. 

The children that take part in our fabulous classes also get the opportunity to act in short films that the teenagers in our Film-Making classes script and direct.

To find out more about our classes please e-mail us:

Teenagers in our Somerset West film acting classes striking a comical pose.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Film-making Workshops for Teenagers

After a lot of hard work, script-writing, story-boarding, directing and acting, a group of teenagers finally had their short films. Well, nearly. There was still the editing to be done to create the final masterpiece. But when that was finished, thirteen teenagers had in their hands a dvd of three short films that they had managed to create from scratch in just four afternoons! Now that is an achievement to be proud of.

When did this all happen, you ask? December 2012, in our four day film and drama workshop in Somerset West. This exciting workshop is offered every July and December holiday and is perfect for aspiring, young film-makers.
How can you be apart of the next workshop? Simply check out our website for more details or e-mail us on and we will keep you updated on future workshops.